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compass [ˈkʌmpəs] [ˈkʌmpəs, ˈkɑm-]
形容词: compassable 动词过去式: compassed 过去分词: compassed 现在分词: compassing 第三人称单数: compasses

compass 的翻译、解释

n.罗盘; 指南针; 圆规; 界限

compass 双语例句
1. You can go anywhere and still the compass points north or south.

2. We didn’t have satnav, so the traditional map and compass took over.

3. Sightseers arrived from all points of the compass.

4. a map and compass

5. the oscillation of the compass needle

compass 短语、同/反义词、词语用法、缩略词
1. “区域,范围”释义下的同义词
domain range scope extent province area spread realm sweep region section territory reach zone

2. “圆周,周围,界限”释义下的同义词
circumference limit confines bourn limits ambit bound periphery

3. “罗盘仪,指南针”释义下的同义词
inductor earth needle direction finder

4. “迂回旋转路径,轨道”释义下的同义词
circuit orbit turn

5. “音域”释义下的同义词
gamut scale register

1. “围绕...划圆圈,沿...绕行一圈”释义下的同义词
circle lap circumambulate

2. “图谋,计划”释义下的同义词
conspire collude intrigue scheme machinate complot contrive plot

3. “环绕,划...界限”释义下的同义词
encircle ring environ hem surround girdle engird in belt encompass

4. “理解,领悟”释义下的同义词
take grasp in understand hold get comprehend on perceive see of catch follow apprehend

5. “达成,完成,获得”释义下的同义词
dispatch accomplish carry out discharge get through come off fulfil effect bring procure hold achieve execute do obtain polish of acquire effectuate

1. “弯曲的,迂回的”释义下的同义词
bowed arched cambered curved embowed crooked

universe width actualize breadth border

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