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mouth [maʊθ] [maʊθ]
复数: mouths 过去式: mouthed 过去分词: mouthed 现在分词: mouthing 第三人称单数: mouths 派生词:mouthed mouther mouthless

mouth 的翻译、解释

n. 嘴,口,嘴巴,口腔,开口,传闻
v. 装腔作势说话,喃喃地说,心不在焉地说

mouth 双语例句
1. A thorough brushing helps to freshen up your mouth.

2. His mouth was a little open, as if he’d started to scream.

3. I’ve always had a loud mouth, I refuse to be silenced.

4. You wouldn’t be here now if she’d kept her mouth shut.

5. She flicked a crumb off the corner of her mouth.

mouth 短语、同/反义词、词语用法、缩略词
mouth off 【俚语】
1. 回嘴:不礼貌地说;回嘴

a mouth to feed
1. (尤指孩童)需要赡养的人

be all mouth (and no trousers)
1. (非正式)只说不作;干打雷不下雨

give mouth
1. (狗)吠

keep one’s mouth shut
1. (非正式)守口如瓶

open one’s mouth
1. (非正式)开口说话

watch one’s mouth
1. (非正式)说话注意

mouth off
1. (非正式)自吹自擂毫无顾忌地高声谈论;固执己见地高谈阔论

1. “傲慢,鲁莽,粗鲁,厚颜无耻”释义下的同义词
sauciness discourtesy impudence effrontery forwardness incivility rudeness insolence boldness disrespect audacity impertinence pertness

2. “嘴,口腔”释义下的同义词
orifice oral lips cavity maw jaws chops

3. “河口”释义下的同义词
outfall outlet embouchure drain delta estuary

4. “空话,大话,吹嘘”释义下的同义词
bombast rodomontade boast braggadocio claptrap brag

5. “苦相,怪脸”释义下的同义词
pout glare grimace face frown scowl

6. “话,话声”释义下的同义词
utterance expression voice

7. “进出口”释义下的同义词
portal exit doorway aperture outlet gate loophole door entryway vent opening entrance entry hatch gateway window

1. “做鬼脸”释义下的同义词
glower mop grimace pout grin smirk

2. “把...放入嘴内,吃,嚼”释义下的同义词
imbibe sup masticate sip eat drink chew bite ingest

3. “说出,清楚地读出”释义下的同义词
articulate enunciate lip murmur sound pronounce voice vocalize


modular output unit for talking to human 与人对话模块化输出设备