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cabinet [ˈkæbɪnət] [ˈkæbənɪt]
复数: cabinets

cabinet 的翻译、解释

n.内阁; 柜橱; (有特殊用途的)小房间; 展览艺术品的小陈列室
adj.内阁的; 秘密的; 通常陈列于柜橱内的,可保存的; 细木工制作的

cabinet 双语例句
1. This issue, more than any other, has divided her cabinet.

2. Cabinet Ministers are selfishly pursuing their own vested interests.

3. The announcement came after a three-hour Cabinet meeting in Downing Street.

4. He is one of the most hawkish members of the new cabinet.

5. All together there are six new faces in the cabinet.

cabinet 短语、同/反义词、词语用法、缩略词
1. “内阁”释义下的同义词
advisory advisors council administration ministry board assembly committee panel group brain trust

2. “室”释义下的同义词
chamber stall compartment

3. “橱柜”释义下的同义词
box cupboard bureau chifforobe file chest chiffonier china case commode console