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garish [ˈgeərɪʃ] [ˈgerɪʃ]
派生词:garishly garishness

garish 的翻译、解释

adj.炫耀的,过于艳丽的; 响亮的,浮华的; 刺眼的; 令人眩晕的

garish 双语例句
1. This colour is bright but not garish.

2. They climbed the garish purple-carpeted stairs.

3. All around you there seemed to be something glaring, garish, rattling.
   在你周围好像有些东西又扎眼,又晃眼, 又刺耳.

4. The garish yard , filled with the flowers of poverty, was uglier by far than in winter.
   满院花花绿绿,开着穷恶的花, 比冬天要更丑陋着好几倍.

5. It was like garish noon rising to the dignity of sunset in a couple of seconds.

garish 短语、同/反义词、词语用法、缩略词
flashy barbaric excessive ostentatious adorned
与garish 相似词语