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brain [breɪn] [bren]
动词过去式: brained 过去分词: brained 现在分词: braining 第三人称单数: brains

brain 的翻译、解释

vt.打破…的脑袋; 打…的头部

brain 双语例句
1. The horrors he experienced are imprinted, perhaps indelibly, in his brain.

2. She has a first-class brain and is a damned good writer.

3. Hallucination is common in patients who have suffered damage to the brain.

4. He was witty, amusing and gifted with a sharp business brain.

5. What I said sometimes didn’t register in her brain.

brain 短语、同/反义词、词语用法、缩略词
have (got) something on the brain 1. (非正式)萦绕于脑际,念念不忘 【习惯用语】
beat (one’s) brains (out)
1. 【非正式用语】 绞尽脑汁,大费脑筋:用光或耗尽极大的智力努力

on the brain
1. 热衷于,念念不忘:一心想着某事

pick (someone’s) brain 或 pick (someone’s) brains
1. 思想剽窃:在解决问题中使用别人的想法

rack (one’) brain【非正式用语】
1. 冥思苦想:长时间艰苦地思考

1. “天才”释义下的同义词
genius thinker sage wizard mastermind wit egghead giant prodigy savant scholar intellectual intellect mental

2. “智力,智慧,领悟力”释义下的同义词
brilliance rationality shrewdness acuity alertness apperception understanding apprehension intellectuality astuteness savvy perception parts comprehension nous sageness intellectualness sagacity sharpness penetration wisdom judiciousness ingenuity wit intellect appreciation grey reason sapience longheadedness percipience intelligence sapiency braininess brightness perspicacity aptness cognizance mind cleverness discernment recognition cognition matter insight keenness realization grasp sense common acumen brain-power mentality aptitude

3. “策划者”释义下的同义词
designer man planner director boss leader the kingpin head

professor head

BEST (Boosting Engineering Science and Technology) Robotics Artificial Intelligence Node (Sherman, Texas) 最好的(增加工程科技)的人工智能机器人的节点(谢尔曼,得克萨斯)
Biotechnology Research and Information Network AG (Germany) 生物技术研究和信息网络的银(德国)
Broadband Radio Access for IP-based Networks 宽带无线接入ip网络
Basic Research in Adaptive Intelligence and Neurocomputing 基础研究和Neurocomputing适应智能
Berger Research and Information Network 柏格研究和信息网络
Berlin Research Area Information Network 柏林研究领域信息网络
Broadband Radio Access Integrated Network 宽带无线接入一体化网络
Broadband Rural Access Information Network 农村接入宽带网络信息