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leg [leg] [lɛɡ]
复数: legs 过去式: legged 现在分词: legging 第三人称单数: legs 派生词:legged legger

leg 的翻译、解释

n.腿; 支柱,支架; 裤腿; 一段赛程

leg 双语例句
1. He had to have one leg amputated above the knee.

2. He heaved his crippled leg into an easier position.

3. First he kicked the left leg, then he kicked the right.

4. The bullet lodged in the sergeant’s leg, shattering his thigh bone.

5. Is there an alternative to traction for a broken leg?

leg 短语、同/反义词、词语用法、缩略词
feel (或 find) one’s legs
1. 站得住(或走得动)

get one’s leg over
1. (粗俚)(男性)与…有一腿(指性交)

have the legs of
1. (英)比(对手)跑得更远或更快

not have the legs
1. (球,尤指高尔夫球)力度不够,不到位

not have a leg to stand on
1. 站不住脚

on one’s hind legs
1. (英,非正式)起立发言

on one’s last legs
1. 奄奄一息,朝不保夕

a leg to stand on【俚语】
1. 站得住脚的基础:有根据、符合逻辑的辩护基础;支持

a leg up【俚语】
1. 帮助:协助的行为或实例;支援
2. 优势:有利的地位;强处

on (one’s) last legs
1. 枯竭,江郎才尽:某人力量或才智的尽头;即将崩溃、失败或死亡

1. “支撑物,支柱”释义下的同义词
brace column prop underpinning pillar support post trestle framework

2. “腿”释义下的同义词
limb shinbone thigh calf lower shank shin

3. “部分,碎片”释义下的同义词
fraction portion segment sector section piece part