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sweet potato [swi:t pəˈteitəu] [swit pəˈteto]
复数: sweet potatoes

sweet potato 的翻译、解释



sweet potato 双语例句
1. Sweet potato was the staple of their diet.

2. Fore men supplemented their bean - and - sweet - potato diets with small game, but women and children lacked protein.
   弗尔族男人用小野味补充他们的豆子加白薯食谱, 而女人和儿童都缺少蛋白质.

3. Have seen selling a sweet potato^s, not have seen that such sells!
   见过卖红薯的, 没见过这样卖的!

4. Buy: fruit juice, FAD apples, agricultural food, potato starch, sweet potato starch.
   采购: 果汁, 冻干苹果, 农产品, 土豆淀粉, 红薯淀粉,(希望提供价格分析报告)

5. The pigment of purple sweet potato ( PPSP ) is water - soluble natural pigment.
   紫心番薯色素( PPSP ) 为 水溶性 天然色素.

sweet potato 短语、同/反义词、词语用法、缩略词
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